Dear Colleagues,
I hope this message finds you well! The next session of our Seminar is approaching!
Friday, March 22, 2024: 15:00-18:00 (Central European Time)
The topic for 2024 is Letters, and the next session consists of four papers:
Alfons Fürst (Universität Münster): Trends in Modern Research on Christian Letter Writing in Antiquity
Johan Leemans (KU Leuven): Letters, Synods, and Theology in the 4th century
Madalina Toca (Universität Wien): Practicalities: How Did Letters Work in the Context of Nicaea?
Matthias Simperl (Universität Augsburg) Who Reacts to Whom? The Letter of the Synod of Antioch 324/5 and Constantine’s Intervention in the Arian Controversy
Zoom link:
ID meeting: 882 5232 2124
Access code: 520364
Please feel free to share the Zoom link, person-to-person, with interested colleagues and students, as well as the seminar flyer and email (
In the coming weeks you will receive the material for the discussion.
We hope to see you there!
Kind regards,
Uta Heil / Samuel Fernández
P.S. The previous sessions are on the YouTube Chanel of AIEP-IAPS: