Call for Nominations

2024 North American Patristics Society Call for Nominations

Overview and Criteria
The NAPS Nominating Committee seeks nominations for several positions on the NAPS Board and Awards & Prizes Committee. All members of the Society are eligible for nomination. Self-nominations are welcome. Members may nominate more than one person for any of the positions on the list below. For information about these positions, please visit: Please submit nomination(s) as soon as possible, but not later than Monday, April 1, 2024 (the day after Easter).

Positions for Nomination

  1. One (1) Vice-President of the Society, to serve a one-year term (2024-25) followed by a one-year term as President of the Society (2025-26).
  2. Two (2) Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors, each of whom are to serve a two-year term (2024-26).
    NOTE: One of these two nominees must be a contingent faculty member or independent scholar at the time of appointment (per the NAPS By-laws).
  3. One (1) Student Member-at-Large of the Board of Directors, to serve a one-year term (2024-25).
    NOTE: The nominee should be a student at the time he or she is nominated and have plans to continue as a student until the next Annual Meeting, i.e., May 2025.
  4. Two cohorts of two nominees each for the Awards and Prizes Committee (APC) of the Board, totaling four (4) Members-at-Large.
    *In the first cohort, two (2) Members-at-Large are to serve a regular three-year term (2024-27, with no extension due to the 2027 Oxford year).
    **In the second cohort, two (2) other Members-at-Large are to serve the term running 2023-26, to complete the 2023 nominations cycle that went unfilled.
    NOTE: This committee includes both regular Board Members and Members-at-Large. The at-Large members of APC being sought with this Call for Nominations will not be members of the Society’s Board and, therefore, will not be subject to a vote by the Society’s membership. They will be appointed by the Board to the APC upon nomination from the Nominating Committee and approval by the Board.
  5. Two (2) Members-at-Large for the Digital Humanities Committee (DHC) of the Board, each of whom are to serve a two-year term (2024-26).
    NOTE: The DHC was created as a standing committee of the Board and includes both regular Board members and Members-at-Large. The two nominated members of this committee will not be members of the Society’s Board and, therefore, will not be subject to a vote by the Society’s membership. They will be appointed by the Board to the DHC upon nomination from the Nominating Committee and approval by the Board.
  6. One (1) member of the NAPS Guidance Committee (NGC), to serve a three-year term. The term does not count the 2027 Oxford year, and so runs 2024-28.

Instructions for Nominating

  1. In recent practice, nominators contact potential nominees to confirm willingness to serve.
  2. Please give the nominee’s full name, email address, and institutional affiliation (if any). (If making multiple nominations, please clearly attach the name to the corresponding position. This instruction applies to all the instructions to follow.)
  3. For which position are you nominating this person?
  4. In a few sentences, indicate the nominee’s aptitude, qualifications, or experience that makes her or him a strong candidate for this position.
  5. Please comment on the nominee’s commitment to equity and inclusion, specifically to representing the Society’s full membership and to supporting members from historically underrepresented groups. Besides considering a diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, physical ability, economic status and other dynamics, we seek nominees who represent diverse research perspectives (regions, languages, methodologies, and disciplines). We also seek nominees who reflect a diversity of institutional contexts, academic ranks, and career settings, i.e., tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure-track, and independent scholars.
  6. Please indicate, if possible, how long and in what ways the nominee has been involved in NAPS.
  7. What is the nominee’s primary area(s) of research?
  8. If available, please attach the nominee’s CV, or provide a link to the nominee’s faculty page, website, page, etc., if the CV can be found there.
  9. The Nominating Committee seeks to follow a data- and evidence-based selection process. Please convey any other information that the Committee would find useful in its deliberations.
  10. Please give, as nominator, your name, email address, and institutional affiliation (if any). (REMINDER: self-nominations are welcome.)
  11. Please submit your nomination(s) by email before April 1, 2024, to any of the Nominating Committee members listed below.

With sincere thanks for your efforts from the 2024 NAPS Nominating Committee.

Michael Cameron (chair) (
Scott Moringiello (
Erin Walsh (