Spectral Lives by Luke and Philostratus: Journeying of Holy Men, Robert Lee Williams, Lexington Books, 2023.
In the first century CE, the Jewish Jesus, his followers, and the Pythagorean Apollonius journeyed widely, each to spread their good news. Spectral Lives by Luke and Philostratus: Journeying of Holy Men argues that the biographers, Luke and Philostratus felt ethically compelled from divine specters to show and tell that good news to help their world. Post-Enlightenment developments in historiography have expanded understanding of ancient texts with a “third dimension,” a “transhuman habitat” evident in ancient texts. In this book, Robert Lee Williams investigates how affect theory has sensitized interpreters to emotional responses. Additional information can be found on the Lexington Books product page here. The attached flyer contains a discount code for 30% off retail price.