The Bollandists
Website on “Christian Hagiography” maintained by the Belgian Société des Bollandistes. Contains information on the Bollandists, their work and their publications, as well as a useful section of links for “Hagiography Worldwide.”
Website on “Christian Hagiography” maintained by the Belgian Société des Bollandistes. Contains information on the Bollandists, their work and their publications, as well as a useful section of links for “Hagiography Worldwide.”
Subscription supported database of the Loeb Classical Library online.
New Testament: This course offers a socio-historical and literary introduction to the writings of the earliest Christians. Portraits of Jesus: Examines some of the different “Jesuses” which have emerged through the ages, including several interpretations of Jesus in historical studies, and several interpretations of Jesus from art and literature. Christian Tradition: a “survey” which has been turned …
Teaching Resources from Caroline Schroeder (University of the Pacific) Read More »
Istituto Patristico Augustinianum The Augustinianum is an important center for patristic studies in Italy. This site includes information on the institute, its programs and faculty, and its annual conference.
Center for the Study of Early Christianity, Catholic University of America. Information on CUA’s Early Christian Studies program, courses, faculty, lectures and conferences.