Bibliographia Iuris Synodalis Antiqui

The Bibliographia Iuris Synodalis Antiqui (BISA) provides an extensive bibliography of sources and literature pertaining to early Christian synods. The project is directed by Georg Schöllgen, Institute for Ecclesiastical History at Bonn University.

Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics

Bibliographical Information Base in Patristics (BIBP) is an extensive (>64k records) database of bibliographic research in patristics. The resource is edited by René Michel Roberge, and made available by the Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Laval University, together with Université Laval Library.

Syriac Digital Corpus

The Digital Syriac Corpus is a curated digital repository of TEI encoded texts written in classical Syriac. The Corpus has the texts of many Syriac authors, and it is frequently updated and expanded.