Institut des Sources Chrétiennes

The « Institut des Sources Chrétiennes » (Christian Sources Research Centre) was affiliated to the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) in response to the specific needs relative to the scholarship and works involved in studying and editing historical Christian texts. This research group is made up of several scholars who compile and analyse …

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Athanasius Werke

Website operated by members of the team responsible for the ongoing publication of the Berlin edition of Athanasius’ corpus (Athanasius Werke). It provides information on that project, digital editions of many project publications, and a bibliography of Athanasian scholarship beginning from 1997.

Patrologia Latina (ed. Migne)

The standard collection of Latin Christian texts, from the third through the thirteenth century, edited by Migne in 221 volumes. These are not critical editions.

Patrologia Graeca (ed. Migne)

The standard collection of Greek Christian texts, in 161 volumes. Edited in the late 19th century by Migne. These are not critical editions.