Adamantius: A Newsletter for Origenian and Alexandrian Research

Adamantius: A Newsletter for Origenian and Alexandrian Research This site has information on the “Italian Research Group on Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition,” including conference proceedings, reports on current members and projects, and a very useful bibliography of recent works on Origen and the Origenian tradition. In Italian.

Arbeitskreis Origenes

Arbeitskreis Origenes A popular site surveying the life and works of Origen. Somewhat eccentric, but reproduces a few articles of academic interest.

The Tertullian Project

The Tertullian Project An excellent site for both students and scholars. Contains discussion and summaries of his writings and thought, links to both Latin texts and English translations, bibliography, reviews, discussion of manuscripts, and much else.

Manuscripts and Resources of the British Library

One of the most impressive collections of digitized manuscripts and codices can be found at the website of the British Library. [1]    This collection contains almost nine hundred Greek manuscripts, including many early Christian and Byzantine ones, as well as important papyri.

Perseus Library of Greek and Latin Texts

The Perseus Digital Library of Greek and Latin texts,[1] housed at Tufts University and edited by Gregory R. Crane, has several modules pertinent for scholars of Christianity.  Perseus’ Greek and Roman Materials contain Greek and Latin texts with morphological analyses as well as English translations of classical and late antique texts.