Patristic Text Archive (PTA) beta

The “Alexandrinische und Antiochenische Bibelexegese in der
Spätantike” project has released a public beta version of the new
“Patristic Text Archive“ at

The “Patristic Text Archive” offers anyone interested a collection of
editions and translations of Christian texts from antiquity
(i.e. “Patristic” is conceived in a very broad sense). At the moment
the archive mainly contains Greek texts, but it is explicitly
open to all languages ​​in which texts from Christian antiquity have
come down to us. The archive is also a place for translations of
“Patristic” texts into all modern languages.

In the Patristic Text Archive, all texts are published under an open
Creative Commons License (CC-BY, CC-BY-SA) for use and re-use. All
texts are available as XML files and are encoded in accordance with
the Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (in
version P5) of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) using its own schema
( Besides, all files
are deposited at Github
( following the
CapiTainS Guidelines in order to ensure the greatest possible
compatibility with other text archives.

As far as it is not a new critical edition created in our project,
critical editions will be used as far as possible and, if it is legal
and feasible, the variants information is also digitized. Where
this is not possible, older and/or non-critical editions will also be
made available.

Where possible, the editions in the archive also contain further
annotations, such as references to the bible, to places (with links to
the Pleiades Gazetteer or to persons (with links to the
Common Authority File [GND] or to the Tyndale Individualized Proper
Names with all References list).

For further information you can also check the documentation at

Last, but not least: Contributions to the archive are very welcome!

As this is a beta version, there are still some technical glitches
(especially with the load time of larger texts) and features missing
or not yet working properly. Everything is work in progress at
the moment.

We welcome your feedback.