Primary Sources

The Confessions of Augustine: An Electronic Edition

Augustine: Confessions(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992) This document is an on-line reprint of Augustine: Confessions, a text and commentary by James J. O’Donnell (Oxford: 1992; ISBN 0-19-814378-8). The text and commentary were encoded in SGML by the Stoa Consortium in co-operation with the Perseus Project; the HTML files were generated from the archival SGML version.

Catalogue of Digital Editions

The Catalogue of Digital Editions keeps track of primary sources without respect to chronology or geography, and early Christian sources strongly feature in a search on antique sources. Navigation and display are very accommodating, and underlying data is RDF-compliant. Other filtered results: Greek Latin Armenian Syriac

Corpus Corporum

Corpus Corporum comprises digitized text of an extensive array of Latin works (150 million words) in TEI xml, lemmatized and free to the public. This Corpus Córporum is being developed at the University of Zurich under the direction of Ph. Roelli, Institute for Greek and Latin Philology.


BiblIndex is an index of biblical references found in Christian literature, both Western and Eastern texts, at present covering the three first centuries, along with part of the fourth. The eventual goal is to cover the whole Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, in order to renew the study of the interpretation and history …

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